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Tengeki Cinematoron
NEW possibility for movies
映像制作支援団体「天影公司( Ten-ei consu )」プロデュースの自主映画専門映画館です。
<What's Tengeki Cinematoron?>
Here is new platform for new film culture.
Also we are indepence movie theater produced by Ten-ei consu which is movie making support team.
We are the first theater in the world where people can see the movie if they can gather at lease four people to make reservation. We named this "reverse nomination roadshow style"
You can decide which movie should be long run and when to be shown.
Love cinema
<Tengeki news>
We have a shop card and stamp card at LINE. Please join and get the point for the prize now!
LINEでショップカードとポイントカードが登場しました!特典もご用意しましたので是非ご登録くだ さい!
Meet the team
Representative Organizer & Actor
Jun Amanto
Managing Director & MC & Dancer
Rina Takahashi
Equipment Manager & Actor
Hiroshi Yoshida
Event Coordinator & Actor
Yasuhiro Takemoto
Student intern Advertiser
Naoki Tsuta
PA Advisor & Singer
Rika Tamura
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